1.    The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has continued to monitor closely the human rights situation in Haiti.  It has found that since February 1992, when the latest follow-up report was presented, the situation in that country has deteriorated even further.  Many people have been unlawfully detained, executed without benefit of trial, abused and tortured by members of the Armed Forces, the Police and civilian collaborators.


         2.    This report covers the period from February 1992 to February 1993.  What follows is a description of developments in the Haitian political situation, the agreements reached by the parties and the resolutions and measures adopted by the Organization of American States to find a political solution to the Haitian crisis.  Also described are the various complaints of human rights violations that the Commission has received from the victims themselves, from human rights groups active both within and outside the country and from other reliable sources.  These have enabled the Commission to corroborate the facts from its headquarters in Washington, given the de facto government's refusal to cooperate with the Commission.


         3.    The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has repeatedly asked the de facto government of Haiti to allow the Commission to conduct a visit to observe the human rights situation in situ.  The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights informed the government of its decision to make two visits: the first was to be an exploratory visit, scheduled for December 13 through 15, 1992, while the second, the actual on-site visit, was to take place from January 11 through 15, 1993.  The de facto government did not grant the requested permission.  Quite the contrary, on December 8, the IACHR received a communication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Haiti reporting that notification of the dates for those visits would be forthcoming within a matter of days, but it was not until one month later that the de facto authorities replied that "in a good-will gesture, the Haitian government had agreed to the presence of an OAS Civilian Mission on Haitian territory, one of whose functions was precisely to evaluate the human rights situation in the country.  It did not, therefore, believe that the visit by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, scheduled for January 15, 1993, was necessary."



         4.    In a press communique dated January 8, 1993,[1] the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights again expressed its interest in visiting Haiti to investigate, in situ, the very grave human rights violations.  However, given the de facto government's refusal to cooperate with the Commission, it called upon all nongovernmental human rights organizations, particularly those working in Haiti, victims and their relatives, and anyone whose individual guarantees had been violated as a result of the political conflict, to forward their petitions for the Commission to act upon them.  


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1        See Appendices, page 48.