The successful development
of a process of demobilization of actors involved in a prolonged
internal armed conflict that aspires to the non-repetition of crimes of
international law,
violations of human rights, and grave breaches of international
humanitarian law calls for the clarification of the violence and
reparation of its consequences. Realistic expectations of peaceful
coexistence under the rule of law should be based on measures that
address the challenges posed by the construction of a culture of
tolerance and the rejection of impunity. The international community
has identified a series of guidelines with respect to truth, justice,
and reparations that draw on the experiences of different societies and
the principles of law reflected in the obligation of states to
administer justice in keeping with international law.
norms of the inter-American system that are binding on the Member States
of the OAS are part of this body of law. The experiences in this
hemisphere in the context of peacemaking efforts have led both the
Commission and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to interpret,
among other things, the obligation of the Member States to ensure
compatibility of recourse to the granting of amnesties or pardons for
persons who have risen up in arms against the State with the State’s
obligation to clarify, punish, and make reparation for violations of
human rights and international humanitarian law.
The obligations of the
Member States of the Organization of American States in the area of
human rights derive from the Charter of the OAS
and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man
as well as the human rights treaties ratified by them. The States party
to the American Convention on Human Rights have obligated themselves to
respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized in the
Convention, and to ensure for all persons subject to their jurisdiction
the free and full exercise of rights and freedoms, without any
discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion,
opinion, national or social origin, economic status, birth, or any other
social condition. In addition, they have agreed to adopt legislative
and other measures that may be necessary for giving effect to the rights
and freedoms protected in the American Convention in those cases in
which the exercise of those rights and freedoms is not yet guaranteed.
In addition to the American Convention, the Member States have adopted
other treaties to complement and expand the rights protected therein.
These instruments should be
interpreted and applied in light of the norms and principles that govern
international legal obligations generally, and human rights obligations
in particular, primarily the principles of good faith and of the
supremacy of international treaties over domestic law.
In addition, the states’ commitments under international human rights
law are applicable both in peacetime and in the context of armed
In this context, it has been recognized that the states’ human rights
obligations differ from their other international commitments in that,
on ratifying such treaties, they bind themselves not only in relation to
other states parties, but also, and mainly, with respect to the persons
under their jurisdiction. Moreover, the norms of interpretation of the
American Convention require that the organs of protection – the
Inter-American Commission and the Inter-American Court – consider higher
standards of protection provided for in other treaties ratified by the
State. Those treaties include the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights,
the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
and its Additional Protocol,
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,
the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,
and the Geneva Conventions of 1949
and their Additional Protocols of 1977.
normative framework, in force for most of the Member States of the OAS,
is reinforced by customary law as well as by the guidelines agreed upon
in the context of intergovernmental organizations such as the United
Nations. The international provisions in force for the Member States,
their interpretation through the case-law and the guidelines compiled by
the intergovernmental organs coincide in identifying truth, justice, and
reparation as fundamental and inescapable challenges in rebuilding a
culture of peace, tolerance, respect for the law, and rejection of
impunity. The IACHR will next develop these concepts and explore the
standards and obligations arising therefrom.
A. The
right to know the truth about the crimes of international law
perpetrated during the conflict
One of the most serious and
immediate effects of the large-scale violence of internal armed
conflicts consists of what many – challenging the language – define as
the “invisibilization” of the victims.
The absence of effective remedies for attaining the intervention of
State institutions leaves the most unprotected sectors of the civilian
population – indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant communities,
displaced children and women, to cite some examples — at the mercy of
armed actors who opt for strategies that not only generate terror and
the forced displacement of survivors, but that also have the effect of
rendering it difficult to clarify what happened, relegating those killed
to oblivion, and propagating the state of confusion that obstructs
deciphering the causes of violence and putting an end to them through
the rule of law.
In the face of this situation, the right
to truth should not be restricted through legislative or other measures.
The IACHR has established that the existence of factual or legal
impediments, such as adopting amnesty laws, to access to information
about the facts and circumstances surrounding the violation of a
fundamental right, and that stand in the way of initiating the judicial
remedies in the domestic jurisdiction, are incompatible with the right
to judicial protection provided for at Article 25 of the American
The process aimed at determining the truth requires the free exercise of
the right to seek and receive information, the formation of
investigative commissions,
and the adoption of the measures needed for authorizing the judiciary to
undertake and complete the respective investigations.
The Inter-American Court has established in its case-law
that the right to the truth is subsumed in the right of the victim or
his or her next-of-kin to obtain from the competent organs of the State
clarification of the facts and the prosecution
of the persons responsible in keeping with
the standards of Articles 8 and 25 of the American Convention.
For its part, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations has also
ruled on the duty of states to judicially determine the circumstances in
which human rights violations take place and the responsibility of those
implicated, as part of the reparation owed to the victim’s next-of-kin.
In any event, the enjoyment
of the right to know the truth regarding the commission of crimes of
international law is not limited to the victims’ next-of-kin. The
Inter-American Commission and the Inter-American Court have stated that
societies affected by violence have, as a whole,
the unwaivable right to know the truth of
what happened as well as the reasons why and circumstances in which the
aberrant crimes were committed, so as to prevent such acts from
Society as a whole has the right to learn of the conduct of those who
have been involved in committing serious violations of human rights or
international humanitarian law, especially in the case of mass or
systematic violations; to understand the objective and subjective
elements that helped create the conditions and circumstances in which
atrocious conduct was perpetrated, and to identify the legal and factual
factors that gave rise to the appearance and persistence of impunity; to
have a basis for determining whether the state mechanisms served as a
context for punishable conduct; to identify the victims and the groups
they belong to as well as those who have participated in acts
victimizing others; and to understand the impact of impunity.
principles and standards are particularly relevant in situations in
which the ferocity of the methods used by the actors in the conflict and
the constant acts of retaliation against the civilian population, human
rights defenders, and officials willing to investigate complaints
diligently and to administer justice, lead surviving victims and
witnesses to remain silent. In these cases, intimidation, the
suppression of evidence, and the deficient functioning of the justice
system all compound the silence of the victims and witnesses,
contributing to impunity and the repetition of crimes of international
B. The right to justice and the
judicial clarification of crimes of international law perpetrated during
the conflict
Whenever the conduct of
those who participate in the armed conflict results in the commission
of, inter alia, assassinations, forced disappearances, rape,
forced movement or displacement, torture, inhumane acts aimed at
intentionally causing death or serious harm to physical and
psychological integrity, attacks on the civilian population or their
property, and recruitment of boys and girls under 15 years of age,
the States have, in-keeping with customary international law and treaty
law, the peremptory obligation to investigate the facts and prosecute
and punish the persons responsible. These are imprescriptable crimes of
international law, not subject to amnesty, which, as they have not been
duly clarified, may give rise to the international responsibility of the
State and open the door to universal jurisdiction to establish the
individual criminal liability of the persons involved.
The states are under an
obligation to combat impunity by all legal means available, since it
fosters the chronic repetition of human rights violations and the total
defenselessness of the victims and their next-of-kin.
In the inter-American system, this obligation of the States is reflected
in Articles XVIII and XXIV of the American Declaration
and Articles 1(1), 2, 8, 25 of the American Convention.
Pursuant to these provisions and their authoritative interpretation, the
Member States of the OAS have the duty to organize the government
apparatus and all the structures through which government authority is
exercised so that they are capable of legally ensuring the free and full
exercise of human rights, and to prevent, investigate, prosecute, and
punish their violation. This obligation is independent of whether the
perpetrators of the crimes are state agents or private individuals.
Where crimes of public action are concerned, i.e. subject to
prosecution sua sponte, it is up to
the State to bring the criminal
action, and it is responsible for taking the initiative to set the
procedure in motion, in compliance with its obligation to guarantee the
right to justice for the victims and their next-of-kin, seriously and
not as a mere formally condemned ex ante to be fruitless.
The protections derived from
the right to due process and judicial protection applicable in
international and non-international armed conflicts, provided for in the
Geneva Conventions, correspond substantially to the protections of
international human rights law, and require that the states prosecute
and punish persons who commit or order the commission of gross
violations of international humanitarian law.
No derogation from these obligations is allowed on grounds of the
continuation of the conflict. In those cases in which, for example,
international humanitarian law prescribes minimal due process standards,
the states cannot resort to derogations permissible under international
human rights law. This view finds support in Articles 27 and 29 of the
American Convention, prohibiting derogations inconsistent with a state’s
other obligations under international law as well as any interpretation
of the Convention that restricts the effective exercise of a right or
freedom recognized pursuant to another convention to which the state is
a party.
Some states affected by
internal armed conflicts and their consequences have issued amnesty laws
when implementing mechanisms for achieving peace and national
reconciliation. Nonetheless, the granting of amnesties and pardons
should be limited to punishable conduct in the nature of political
crimes or common crimes linked to political crimes insofar as, having a
direct and close relationship with the political criminal conduct, they
do not constitute serious violations under international law. Those
responsible for committing such crimes should not benefit unduly from
grounds of exclusion from punishment, such as the prescription of the
crime and prescription of the punishment, the granting of territorial or
diplomatic asylum, the refusal to extradite a person for the commission
of crimes punished by international law, or the granting of amnesties or
In this sense, the IACHR has
consistently established that while the adoption of provisions aimed at
granting an amnesty to persons responsible for the crime of taking up
arms against the state may be a useful tool in the context of effort to
achieve peace, amnesty laws as well as similar legislative measures that
impede or consider concluded the investigation and prosecution of crimes
of international law impede access to justice and render ineffective the
obligation of the states party to respect the rights and freedoms
recognized in the Convention and to ensure their free and full exercise.
For its part, the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights has emphasized that the states
party to the American Convention cannot invoke provisions of domestic
law, such as amnesty laws, to fail to abide by their obligation to
ensure the complete and proper functioning of the justice system.
In its judgment in the Barrios Altos Case it established that
all amnesty provisions, provisions on
prescription and the establishment of measures designed to eliminate
responsibility are inadmissible, because they are intended to prevent
the investigation and punishment of those responsible for serious human
rights violations such as torture, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary
execution and forced disappearance, all of them prohibited because they
violate non-derogable rights recognized by international human rights
The Court concluded that, as these amnesty
laws were incompatible with the American Convention, they had no legal
effect and could not constitute an obstacle to investigating,
identifying, and punishing the persons responsible for violations of
rights enshrined in the American Convention.
In summary, whenever amnesty laws or similar legislative
measures render ineffective and meaningless the obligation of the states
party to ensure judicial clarification of the facts of crimes of
international law, they are incompatible with the American Convention,
independent of whether the violations in question may be attributed to
state agents or private persons.
The states must adopt the
measures necessary to facilitate victims’ access to adequate and
effective remedies both for reporting the commission of these crimes and
to attain reparation for the harm suffered and in this way help prevent
their repetition. The “Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to
a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Violations of International Human
Rights and Humanitarian Law” provide that the states must: (a) make
known, by official and private mechanisms, all remedies available
against violations of international human rights and humanitarian law
norms; (b) adopt, during judicial, administrative, or other proceedings
that have a negative impact on the victims’ interests, measures to
protect their privacy, as appropriate, and guarantee their security, and
that of their next-of-kin and witnesses against any act of intimidation
or retaliation; and (c) use all appropriate diplomatic and legal means
for the victims to be able to exercise their right to pursue remedies
and obtain reparation for violations of international human rights and
humanitarian law norms.
Observance of the rule of
law requires that individuals, institutions, and the state itself act
under the rule of its laws, consistent with the principles of
non-discrimination, legality, due process, and independence of the
judiciary. The right to an effective remedy before the competent
national judges or courts is one of the basic pillars of the rule of law
in a democratic society,
and international law demands that the states guarantee that human
rights violations are investigated, that the persons responsible are
prosecuted and punished, and that they provide as well for reparation
for the harm caused the victims. The Inter-American Court has
highlighted the intrinsic connection between the duties of the state to
respect, guarantee, and uphold human rights, and effective judicial
In this regard, the Court has indicated that in order to fully guarantee
the rights recognized by the American Convention, it does not suffice to
investigate the facts and prosecute the persons responsible, but it is
necessary, as well, for the state activity be aimed at making reparation
to the injured party.
C. Victims’
right to reparation for the harm caused
29. The
equality of citizens before the law and legal institutions is one of the
fundamental aspects of the rule of law. Re-establishing the conditions
of equality that make it possible for the victims of the conflict to
recognize their status as citizens and regain trust in the institutions
is of fundamental importance for attaining peace. The victims of crimes
committed during an armed conflict have the right to adequate reparation
for the harm suffered, which should take the form of individual measures
of restitution, compensation, and rehabilitation, measures of
satisfaction generally, and guarantees of non-repetition, making it
possible to re-establish their status quo ante, without
The applicable standards
establish that individual measures should be sufficient, effective,
prompt, and proportional to the gravity of the crime and the extent of
the harm suffered, and should be aimed at re-establishing the victim’s
situation before the violation.
These measures may consist of re-establishing rights such as personal
liberty, in the case of persons who have been detained or kidnapped, and
return to the place of residence in the case of displaced persons. In
addition, the victims who have been dispossessed of their lands or
properties for fear of the violence of the actors in the armed conflict
have the right to restitution.
restitutio in integrum
is not possible because of the nature of the crime, the persons
responsible must compensate the victim or his or her next-of-kin for the
damages resulting from the crime. The state should endeavor to pay
compensation to the victim when the person responsible for the illicit
conduct has been unable or unwilling to carry out his or her
In addition, the situation of the victim may require measures of
rehabilitation such as medical and psychological care, legal services,
and social support services.
General guarantees of
satisfaction require measures aimed at remedying the injury suffered by
the victim, including the cessation of continuing violations;
verification of the acts constituting international crimes; public and
complete disclosure of the results of the investigations aimed at
establishing the truth of what happened, without giving rise to
unnecessary risks for the security of victims and witnesses; the search
for the remains of the dead or disappeared; the issuance of official
declarations or judicial decisions to re-establish the dignity,
reputation, and rights of the victims and of the persons linked to them;
public recognition of the events and the responsibilities; recovery of
the memory of the victims; and teaching the historical truth.
Guarantees of non-repetition
require that measures be adopted aimed at preventing new human rights
violations. They require dissolving parastatal armed groups; derogating
laws that favor the commission of human rights violations or
international humanitarian law; effective control of the Armed Forces
and security forces by the civilian authorities; resorting to military
courts exclusively for service-related crimes; strengthening the
independence of the judiciary; protecting the work of judicial officers,
human rights defenders, and journalists; training for citizens and state
agents on human rights issues and compliance with the codes of conduct
and ethical standards; and creating and improving mechanisms for
preventive intervention and conflict resolution.
Table of Contents ]
The Member States of the OAS are – by dint of having ratified
the Charter of the OAS — obligated to respect and ensure the
human rights provisions that are part of the Charter. See, for
example, OEA AG Res. AG/RES. 314 (VII-0/77) of June 22,
1977; OEA AG/RES. 370 (VIII-0/78) of July 1, 1978; OEA
AG/RES. 1829 (XXXI-0/01) of June 5, 2001. See also, I/A
Court H.R. (Interpretation of the American Declaration on the
Rights and Duties of Man Within the Framework of Article 64 of
the American Convention on Human Rights), Advisory Opinion
OC-10/89 of July 14, 1989, Series A No. 10, paras. 43-46; and
IACHR, Report No. 48/01, Case 12,067, Michael Edwards et al.
(Bahamas), Annual Report of the IACHR 2000, para. 107.
The American Declaration is a source of legal obligations for
all the Member States of the OAS, including those states that
have not ratified the American Convention on Human Rights. See
I/A Court H.R. (Interpretation of the American Declaration of
the Rights and Duties of Man Within the Framework of Article 64
of the American Convention on Human Rights), Advisory
Opinion OC-10/89, July 14, 1989, Series A No. 10, paras. 43-46.
In addition, the Commission has established that the right to
life, the right to liberty, and the right to due process and a
fair trial, protected in the American Declaration, have acquired
the status of customary norms of international law. IACHR Report
No. 19/02, Alfredo Lares Reyes et al. (United States), Annual
Report of the IACHR 2001, para. 46.
See Articles 1 and 2 of the American Convention on Human Rights,
adopted in San José, Costa Rica, on November 22, 1969, at the Inter-American
Specialized Conference on Human Rights, Basic
Documents Pertaining to Human Rights in the Inter-American
System, OEA/Ser.L/V/I.4 rev. 10, January 31, 2004.
Of these, special mention should be made of: the Inter-American
Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, signed at Cartagena,
Colombia, December 9, 1985, at the 15th regular
session of the General Assembly; the Inter-American Convention
on Forced Disappearance of Persons, adopted in Belém do Pará,
Brazil, June 9, 1994, at the 24th regular session of
the General Assembly; the Inter-American Convention on the
Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against
Women, adopted in Belém do Pará, Brazil, June 9, 1994, during
the 24th regular session of the General Assembly; and
the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human
Rights in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
signed in San Salvador, El Salvador, November 17, 1988, at the
28th regular session of the General Assembly. All of
these appear in Basic Documents Pertaining to Human Rights in
the Inter-American System OEA/Ser.L/V/I.4 rev. 10, January 31,
See the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1155
U.N.T.S. 331, Article 27, which provides: “A party may not
invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for
its failure to perform a treaty.” See also I/A Court H.R.,
Advisory Opinion OC-14/94, International Responsibility for the
Promulgation and Enforcement of Laws in violation of the
Convention (Articles 1 and 2 of the American Convention on Human
Rights), December 9, 1994, Series A No. 14, para. 35, where
it recognizes: “Pursuant to international law, all obligations
imposed by it must be fulfilled in good faith; domestic law may
not be invoked to justify nonfulfillment. These rules may be
deemed to be general principles of law and have been applied by
the Permanent Court of International Justice and the
International Court of Justice.” See P.C.I.J., The
Greco-Bulgarian Communities-Advisory opinion [1930] PCIJ 1
(31 July 1930); P.C.I.J. Treatment of Polish Nationals and
other Persons of Polish Origin or Speech in the Dantzig
territory - Advisory opinion [1932] PCIJ 1 (4 February
1932); P.C.I.J. Free zones of Upper Savoy and the District of
Gex [1932] PCIJ 3 (7 June 1932).
Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, October 4, 1967,
606 U.N.T.S. 267.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Resolution
AG 44/25, Annex 44, UN GAOR Supp. (No. 49), 167, UN Doc. A/44/49
(1989), November 20, 1989.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination, December 21, 1965, 660 U.N.T.S. 195.
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, April 24, 1963, 596
U.N.T.S. 261.
Principle V(8) and (9) of the “Basic Principles and Guidelines
on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of
Violations of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law”
defines a victim in the following terms: “A person is ‘a victim’
where, as a result of acts or omissions that constitute a
violation of international human rights or humanitarian law
norms, that person, individually or collectively, suffered harm,
including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering,
economic loss, or impairment of that person’s fundamental legal
rights. A ‘victim’ may also be a dependant or a member of the
immediate family or household of the direct victim as well as a
person who, in intervening to assist a victim or prevent the
occurrence of further violations, has suffered physical, mental,
or economic harm.” It goes on to make the following
clarification: “A person’s status as ‘a victim’ should not
depend on any relationship that may exist or may have existed
between the victim and the perpetrator, or whether the
perpetrator of the violation has been identified, apprehended,
prosecuted, or convicted.” See United Nations, Economic and
Social Council, Final Report of the Special Rapporteur Cherif
Biassiouni pursuant to Resolution 1999/33 of the Commission on
Human Rights on “The right to restitution, compensation and
rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights
and fundamental freedoms” and “Basic Principles and Guidelines
on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of
Violations of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,”
attached to the report, E/CN.4/2000/62 January 18, 2000,
p. 8.
UNHRC, Communication No. 107/1981, Uruguay, CCPR/C/19/D/107/1981,
[1983] UNHRC 16 (21 July 1983). See also, Theo Van Boven,
Special Rapporteur, Commission on Human Rights, United Nations,
“Study concerning the right to restitution, compensation and
rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights
and fundamental freedoms,” Economic and Social Council,
Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
Minorities, 45th session, item 4 of the provisional
agenda, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/8 (1993).
See IACHR, Chapter V “Areas in which steps need to be taken
towards full observance of the human rights set forth in the
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and the
American Convention on Human Rights,” Annual Report
1985-1986, OEA/Ser.L/V/II.68, Doc. 8 rev. 1, p. 205,
and I/A Court H.R., Barrios Altos Case, Judgment of March
14, 2001, Series C No. 75.
Final Act of the Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on
the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, done at
Rome, July 17, 1998, A/CONF.183/10, Resolution E,
A/CONF.183/C.1/L.76/Add.14, Statute of the International
Criminal Court, UN Doc. A/CONF.183/9 (1998), as corrected
by the proces-verbaux of November 10, 1998 and July 12, 1999,
entered into force July 1, 2002. See Article 29 on
non-applicability of statute of limitations and Article 17 on
the Court’s jurisdiction. See also, “Convention on the
Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and
Crimes against Humanity” adopted by the UN General Assembly by
Resolution 2391 (XXIII) of November 26, 1968.
Article 25 of the American Convention provides that: “(1)
Everyone has the right to simple and prompt recourse, or any
other effective recourse, to a competent court or tribunal for
protection against acts that violate his fundamental rights
recognized by the constitution or laws of the state concerned or
by this Convention, even though such violation may have been
committed by persons acting in the course of their official
duties. (2) The States Parties undertake: (a) to ensure that any
person claiming such remedy shall have his rights determined by
the competent authority provided for by the legal system of the
state; (b) to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy; and
(c) to ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such
remedies when granted.”
See IACHR, Report on Terrorism and Human Rights, OEA/Ser.L/V/ll.116
Doc. 5 rev. 1 corr. (2002).0
I/A Court H.R., Castillo Páez Case, Judgment, November 3,
1997, Series C No. 34, para. 82. See also I/A Court H.R.,
The Mayagna (Sumo) Community of Awas Tingni Case, August 31,
2001, Series C No. 79, para. 112.
I/A Court H.R., Velásquez Rodríguez Case, Preliminary
Objections, Judgment of June 26, 1987, Series C No. 1, para. 90.