March 8, 1982




1.          The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has received a considerable number of denunciations, confirming the expulsion of many Chilean citizens from national territory, and the Government's refusal to allow them to re-enter the country, under the terms of the special provisions ordered under the state of emergency, which confers the Constitution on the President of the Republic of Chile.


2.          The Commission has begun to process the individual cases corresponding to denunciations presented, transmitting the pertinent parts to the Government of Chile and requesting it to supply the appropriate information.


3.          Each of the cases mentioned in the Appendix, which forms an integral part of this resolution, has the characteristics indicated in the foregoing paragraphs, and all processing required under the Regulations has been completed.


4.          In some of its replies to the requests for information by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Government of Chile has acknowledged the expulsion and prohibition of entry into national territory of exiles, on the grounds both of special laws enacted during the state of emergency and of the country's new political constitution. The Government has provided no information with respect to other requests.


5.          The IACHR has reiterated its principles on this topic and indicated that the expulsion of nationals, not as matter of choice, as provided for in some legislations, but imposed on the subject by force, as an act against which there is no recourse whatever, is a violation of the right to residence and movement established in Article VIII of the American Declaration.


6.          These expulsions, which have been decreed administratively, with no type of trial, have generally been for an indefinite period of time. That means that this is a harsher penalty than what is usual for the commission of a crime, in which the sentence is always set for a definite time period.


7.          The expulsion of a citizen by his government and the prohibition on re-entry into his homeland violates the right of residence and movement.


8.          Moreover, the Commission has enough evidence to conclude that the citizens mentioned in the individual cases presented here are now in exile and are unable to re-enter their country.






1.          To declare that the Government of Chile has violated Article VIII (right to residence and movement) of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man by preventing the exiles from returning to their homeland.


2.          To recommend to the Government of Chile: a) that the persons included in this resolution be given the necessary authorization to return to their country, and b) that the Commission be informed within 90 days of the measures taken to implement this recommendation.


3.          To transmit this resolution to the Government of Chile and to the petitioners in the light of Article 50.2 of the Commission's Regulations, for the appropriate purposes.


4.          To include this resolution in the Annual Report to the General Assembly of the Organization of American States in accordance with Article 50.4 of the Commission's Regulations, if the Chilean Government does not implement the recommendations made within the aforementioned period.


Note: Dr. Bertrand Galindo withdrew from hearing and ruling on this case.




The Commission has the names of many persons who have been forced into exile regarding whom the IACHR has adopted a resolution at the appropriate time.


Therefore the following list does not include that large number of persons


No                                             NAME                                        CASE No


01                                   ALEITE, Fernando                                  3421

02                                   ALEGRIA, Alvaro Julio                     7495

03                                   ALMONACID PRADO, Ovidio                     3417

04                                   ALVAREZ ROJAS, Graciela                             7495

05                                   BARAHONA MUÑOZ, Luis Hernán              3420

06                                   BENITEZ CASTILLO, Julio                        7520

07                                   BENAVENTE PAULUS, Mario                      7495

08                                   BITAR CH, Sergio                                  7495

09                                   BRIONES, Carlos                                    7879

10                                   BRODSKY BERNSTEIN, Moisés           7495

11                                   CANTUARIAS, Orlando                             7880

12                                   CASTILLO VELASCO, Jaime                      7878

13                                   CHORNIK ABERLUCH, Boris                       7495

14                                   COPPOLA OYARZUN, Salvattori                3433

15                                   CUETO ROMAN, Patricio Cristobal Lautaro          7456

16                                   DELANO DE LA CRUZ, Arturo            7495

17                                   DUVAUCHELLA, Héctor                    7495

18                                   ESPEJO BRAIN, Patricia                             7495

19                                   FUENTEALBA MOENA, Renán            7495

20                                   GARCIA VIEJO, Cecilia                     7495

21                                   GREGORIO DE LAS HERAS, Sara             7495

22                                   GUILLEN GRAF, Nora                               7495

23                                   HENRIQUEZ ACEVEDO, Luis                        7495

24                                   HERRERA H., Fidelia                               3374

25                                   HUEPE, Claudio                                       7495

26                                   JAQUE PEÑA de BENAVENTE, Nimia             3925

27                                   JARA ZAMBRANO, José R.                              4122

28                                   JEREZ, Alberto                                       7881

29                                   JORQUERA TOLOSA, Carlos                     7495

30                                   LAGOS REYES, Carlos Edgardo                   3914

31                                   LAGOS AGUIRRE, Edgardo Javier                    3914

32                                   LAZO CARRERA, Carmen                             7495

33                                   MARTINEZ QUEZADA, Jorge Domingo          7774

34                                   MEDRANO ZABALA, Gustavo                            7495

35                                   MORIS, Maria Concepción                        4122

36                                   MOYA, Oscar                                         4090

37                                   NOVOA MONREAL, Eduardo                             7480

38                                   OTTONE FERNANDEZ, Ernesto                   5712

39                                   PIZARRO ROMERO, Ana                        7495

40                                   POLLIER BUSTOS, Alejandro                           7495

41                                   RIVERA BRAVO, Osvaldo                             7495

42                                   RODRIGUEZ ARENAS, Aniceto                   7495

43                                   RODRIGUEZ CORTES, Nelson           3888

44                                   SEPULVEDA, Sergio Antonio                             7697

45                                   SOTO RESPALDIZA, Luis                        7495

46                                   TAUFIC KALAFATOVIC, Camilo                   7495

47                                   VALDERRAMA RIOS, Julio                        3977

48                                   VERA PAULO, Guillermo y familia           7091

49                                   VICIANI ESCKER, Orel                             7495

50                                   ZALDIVAR, Andrés                                  7516