No. 48/07




Washington, D.C., September 4, 2007 — At the invitation of the government of Chile, the Vice President of the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Commissioner Victor Abramovich, will conduct a visit to that country from September 11 to 14, 2007, in his capacity as Rapporteur on the Rights of Women.


The purpose of the visit is to gather information about different forms of discrimination against women in Chile. The Rapporteur is particularly interested in expanding his knowledge about discrimination against women in the family sphere, the political arena and the work environment. Information will also be gathered on possible ties between discrimination in the public and private spheres. Following the visit, the IACHR will prepare a report with recommendations to the State of Chile.


The delegation, headed by Dr. Abramovich and the IACHR Executive Secretary, Dr. Santiago Canton, will meet with high-level authorities from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and with representatives of civil society, academia and international organizations.


During the visit, the IACHR will launch its report entitled Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Americas. This event, which is open to the press, will take place September 12 at 6:00 p.m., at Diego Portales University in Santiago. Dr. Abramovich will present the report, which will then be discussed by the Minister of the Court of Appeals of San Miguel, Dr. Lya Cabello Abdala. Participants will include national authorities, international organizations, civil society organizations and representatives of the academic sector. The event is being organized by the Center for Human Rights at the Diego Portales University School of Law and by “Humanas Corporation –Regional Center for Human Rights and Gender Justice.”


The Commission gratefully acknowledges the cooperation provided by the government and by civil society organizations and institutions in preparation for this visit.




Press contact:

Tel. (202) 458-3867

Cell: (202) 215-4142

Cell number from September 1-7, in Paraguay: (598) 981-400-118


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