Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) wishes to make public
that on August 3, 2001, Dean Claudio Grossman, current President of the
IACHR, was named as its observer for the trial in the criminal case
concerning the bombing of the Asociación
Mutual Israelita (AMIA) in Argentina scheduled to begin on September
24, 2001. The
Commission is currently processing petition 12.204, filed on June 16,
1999, concerning that bombing, which took place on July 18, 1994 in the
city of Buenos Aires. The
attack against the headquarters of the AMIA left more than 80 victims
dead and hundreds of victims injured.
The Commission appointed Dean Grossman in response to a
proposal by the Government of the Republic of Argentina to name
an observer for this trial. The
Commission values the attitude of the Argentine State, and wishes to
express its appreciation to both the petitioners and the State for the
collaboration that has been received and that will be forthcoming in
this regard. Dean
Grossman is a Chilean Lawyer. He
graduated from the University of Chile and received his doctorate from
the University of Amsterdam, Holland. He is Dean of the Law Faculty of
American University, a recognized expert on the inter-American human
rights system, and the author of numerous specialized publications.
Dean Grossman has been a member of the IACHR since 1994. He was elected to chair the Commission in 1996 and was
re-elected as a Commissioner in 1997.
He has served as the Commission’s delegate in numerous cases
before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and has participated
actively in on-site visits and in numerous friendly settlement
proceedings. In addition,
he has served as Rapporteur for Women’s Rights and is currently
Rapporteur for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
In 2001, he was re-elected President of the CIDH. The
IACHR is an autonomous organ of the OAS responsible for the promotion
and protection of human rights in the Hemisphere. The seven members of
the Commission are elected in their personal capacity by the General
Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) for a four-year
period. The Commission’s attributions are fundamentally based on the
American Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of the OAS,
instruments ratified by the Republic of Argentina. |